Make It Happen Here
Whatever your idea is, we can help you bring your project to life at the Sound Stage on St. Elmo. We know that the way you tell your story makes all the difference. The purpose of the Sound Stage is to offer an affordable, artistic-oriented flex space open to interpretation by the user. We welcome any and all projects and are happy to customize your booking based on your individual needs.

Why is the green room, that haven of pre- and post-show drinks, so called?
In Shadwell’s play The True Widow (Drury Lane, 1679) a character says: “I have enjoyed the prettiest creature just now in a room behind the scenes.” Later it is described as “a green room behind the scenes”. The mundane explanation is that it was a waiting room adjacent to the stage and was decorated in green – as, perhaps, were most theatres. From Britain’s premier theatre, the name may have caught on across the country by touring actors. It may also, however, be connected to the theory that the stage was covered in green baize – green was an “unlucky” costume colour well into the 20th century, perhaps because it would be lost against such a background. I have also heard that it’s connected to rhyming slang (greengage = stage), and I have known older actors leaving the dressing room to say: “See you on the green.”
Antony Tuckey, Ipswich